Monday, February 17, 2020

What a difference a year makes...

So...A year later, from my last post up here, and the post before that showing our nineteen inches of snow. We got about nine inches this time, and it lasted a few days. Not the mind numbing snow of 02/19!

And we are in a different place! I just sold my two properties, and bought one bigger one. The old property had two houses (and two different lots). This property has one house, more land, a real barn and a shop that towers over the house. Not to mention the beauty of this place! We are at 600' now. It is just a tad chillier, but not a problem, I stay in when it's too cold anyway!

We are having problems with the animals staying in the pastures they were assigned. I have to get a fencing person up here to fix a proper pasture for my minis, goat and sheep. I also don't care for my chickens coop placement, but that can't be changed for now. At least they are housed. I just don't like that I have to drag a 150' hose from the spigot to the coop to give them water. I will change that soon enough, but the bigger animals are my main concern right now.

My daughter and I are both now limited to what we can do as far as the heavy stuff. I had surgery almost a month ago and I can't pick up anything heavier that ten pounds. That leaves me a lot of not picking things up. My daughter is six months pregnant and is starting to feel the strain when she goes to do certain things. In four more weeks I can do the picking up and she can sit back. She's been picking up my slack. I have to pay her back.

That's all the news for now, More to come and hopefully some great pictures of spring stuff at the new place!