First I would like to thank you for the sweet comments. That last post is too true, I could never say no...except well, if I was getting just a tad too many babies to take care of. This first picture is not the most glamorous, but it is a cute shot of Purrcy's face. I had just washed his poor little eyes. He is already getting better and fattening up. The second picture shows Purrcy with his new brother. That would be Chili. Chili is maybe a week or so older than Purrcy, but came from the same ranch. We got Chili, because my daughter's friend is a puppy/kitty rescue person and foster mom to all creatures who can't speak for themselves, and she went to the ranch and cleaned up the sick/abandoned kitty population. She had one too many to foster, so we got him. I have already found homes for those kittens she got. They will go to their new homes as soon as they reach an age where they can be moved again. Amanda has already set up the vet care for all of the kittens. What energy that kid has! I am glad we got Chili too, because Purrcy seems a lot calmer and they already play. Chili also has decided he is the bath giver and cleans up his new brother. I'm not sleeping much. And I think I got my other daughter's cold! Just what I needed! Oh well, this too shall pass.