Don't let this happen to you. This explosion happened just ten miles from me. Just on the other side of the hill. I pass by this neighborhood at least once a week. Between four and seven people died. Several people were hurt, some extremely. 57 or so houses were totally destroyed, others were damaged to one extent or another. All the people in this neighborhood, their friends and families lives have been irrivocably changed. Forever. I know it affected me. I have no ties here, I just pass by.
This was caused (allegedly) by our major gas company's inability to take care of aging pipelines. They were told in the weeks leading up to this horrific event that there was a gas leak, because plenty of the people in this neighborhood smelled gas. They didn't do enough.
We are not protected like we think we are.
Write to your utility copmpanies and demand they take care to inspect and if need be repair their aging equipment. I do not want to hear that some of my blogger friends have met with a tragic event such as this.