Sunday, September 05, 2010

A little project I've been doing.

I found the pattern for this somewhere. It's all over the internet, so am I. I browse at work when I'm not supposed to. I fell in love with all the possibilities of the color combinations a quilt could be made with. I just started grabbing fat quarters off my material shelves and matching up the colors to see what I liked. I don't know how many I will make before I put them together and make an actual quilt, but I can wait! The next one will be maybe blues and seagreens, and the one after that may be all black and white, because I reall, really like the look of the black and white one.
Anyway, now you know I haven't fallen off the earth some where. I've just been in my craft room...
Have a great week you all!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Now this is a good place to be. Doing something creative. I was just thinking this morning, that I need a hobby or a dog. Guess I'm back in the dog phase again.

Sewing is not it, but I need to start a project. I love your patterns and you're better off quilting than being on here LOL

Although I'd miss you....pop in every once in awhile hahaha ♥