I get up at 4:30-5 o'clock every morning of the week. My two days off? I have to get YD to the bus stop at 5:30 to catch the bus to her job. When I am working she rides down with me. MD needs to either get to the bus stop at 6:30AM or be picked up at work at 9PM depending on her schedule.
I was going to bitch about it because I commute for 3 people, 7 days a week.
My last sentence on that post was...Don't get me wrong, I am grateful that my daughters have jobs when there are families with no income. That stopped me in my tracks. What the hell do I have to bitch about at all???
We have a roof over our heads.
We have food on our table.
We have each other.
We have our health.
We are all working!
So...I am grateful that I have to commute for three people. I am grateful that my children are able to work and do work. I am grateful for ALL that I have. That includes all of you reading this, because if I wasn't writing that last post to complain to you, I would not have realized all that I have to be grateful for.
And to lighten up the mood even more...I give you Ziggy (next to Dante who makes THE Zigster look even smaller).