I started a table runner for my sister out of a batik charm pack I had wanted to play with. I also used a jelly roll that I bought which turned out to be the wrong color for the project I was going to use it in. I used maybe two strips of it for the table runner. I used more of the batik pieces. I had cut those in half and then cut five inch pieces out of the jelly roll strips. Sorry, I haven't taken a picture of the table runner. I guess I was too excited about this impromptu flimsy I did.
I just started sewing the cut charms after laying them out together in like colors. I did a "pattern" of sorts by just grabbing the top piece of a pile sewing it on the strip, then taking the top piece from the next pile and so on. I only stopped when I ran out of jelly roll strips. Then I started a "strip race". That always goes really fast once you get past sewing the first two strips together. I couldn't wait to see how it would come out. I knew it was going to be very light with some flashes of color.
Jelly Roll/Batik, strip race
That was fun! There would have been more color, but there were a lot of natural background pieces among the pieces of batiks, I supposed I could have pulled those out and added in the left over color pieces I have. I just didn't think about how it would work out. I like it anyway. I have no clue where I am going with this from here. I am thinking about an organic quilting, maybe curvy lines along the seams, maybe even some decorative stitches from the machine. I could go many ways with this since it is so open.
I am starting to gear up my brain to do a quilt called Labyrinth. I had seen a picture of it on Pinterest and then a girlfriend sent me a link on Facebook. I figured that was a sign. Then the very next day I found the pattern for it at my LQS! Of course I bought it! I am now going to go and pick up the fabrics for it. I'm doing it in purples. Although purples probably won't look wonderful in my bedroom. I might have to give it to someone else, we'll see. I may be too attached to it after I spend the winter working on it!
Speaking of seasons...fall came to my neighbors yard. I have some fall in mine but most of my trees are evergreens, so I don't get the color like my neighbor did.
He does a wonderful job keeping his yard nice. I was talking to him today when I was out taking pictures of the flimsy. He was out draining all his irrigation pipes. I water with hoses and those have been hung out to dry for a while now. As soon as the rains come back I start putting my stuff away. No need to water when Mother Nature takes care of that for me.
The pallet barn had to be set on the back burner for a while. I don't know when it will get finished. The poor room mate was rear ended last Thursday evening. Some teen aged boy, not paying attention. The room mate seems to have a pretty bad case of whip lash. He is at the emergency room right now seeing if they can get some X-rays to tell if there is any worse damage. I just got off the phone with my insurance adjuster. GAH! Accidents are such a pain in all aspects of the word!
Hope your week is going well!
oh it all looks so nice. The sky is so blue. Clean. I've had it in mind to do a race quilt but never did. Not yet. LeeAnna
Sure love your flimsy! The trees are gorgeous!
I LOVE the white quilt. LOVE IT. I'm not really into modern - but this is just right. I may make a race quilt not that I've seen this one. :-)
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