Wednesday, October 21, 2009

That's right...I rock!

Another 1.6 pounds gone! That's over a two week period though. (I only rock a little)
That is all!


Debbie said...

Well you are just rockin the pounds off girl! I'm so proud of you :)

Unknown said...

REGARDLESS, it's a healthy weight loss..and that is what counts the most.

you do rock, keep up the good work!!!

Lisa said...

I am impressed that you have lost so much weight and are sticking with it. I wish I could make myself get motivated enough to do something. I have noticed my knees and ankles are really starting to feel the stress of the extra weight I have put on here in the latter years of life. I think I will try to make it my mission to start exercising while Scott is working. Three days one week, four the next. That is better than nothing. Now lets see if I can/will do it!!! You are doing GREAT!!!

stitcherw said...

Congratulations, you're doing great.

Dani - tkdchick said...

Wooo hoo! Glad you got back to your meeting!