Monday, July 23, 2007

Work Related

As some of you may know, I head the art department at the hardware store where I work. (Play)I had a review of my job a few weeks back, and they are very satisfied with what I am doing. (YES!) I got got one piece of constructive criticism, and that was that I need to fill in a few empty spots in my area. The spots were empty because I was waiting for stryofoam foams to come in. Those are something the general manager was hoping to get in the store for literally years, and could only find to purchase if we ordered $2000 minimum. I finally cornered my sales rep and let him have it about the fact that they don't supply these forms and I was having a hard time tracking them down and if he had any information at all on acquiring them, he should come forward now or else! (I don't know or else what, but it worked!) He gave me the name of their competitor, begging me not to order anything from them that I could get from him. I promised to stay faithful and got my forms! This other company is so dreamy as far as buying wholesale items. I go to their website daily to check out what all they do have and it looks like I am going to be in trouble. I can get so much stuff for myself here at home (through my company of course) There's a stitching frame for $65 that outshines the one I have here. I can get quality quilt batting, Blue Moon Beads in a billion different "flavors". OMG! I am so in trouble with this. As I purchase items for myself I will certainly be sure to show them off. Anyone know a good contractor? I'm gonna need an add-on to my house!


stitcherw said...

Glad it is going well and sounds like you are enjoying it. Good luck with all the stashing, it is amazing how hard it is to turn down getting more stash when you can get such a good price.

msstitch01 said...

My goodness Claudia you have to show alot of willpower not to buy lots of things for ourself (I'm not sure I could do it). But I have to say all of that browsing and buying using someone elses money does sound like fun.