Friday, May 23, 2008

Well. There it is in all it's glory. The pics are not that great, but I have never claimed to be a very good photographer, I'm not even a mediocre photographer. I just suck at it. But I did want to show off what I think I can do. This is my first, so understand that the more I practice the better I will get. I am so happy how this turned out. and I got acclaims from the advanced ceramics students, that really made my day. And then when one of my fellow ceramics I students distracted me and stoled the vase as we were packing up, well, that told me all. I wasn't wrong, it turned out good. (she did give it back to me eventually, it was all in good fun and I appreciated the whole stunt!) One more day at ceramics. We clean on that day. One hour max. Now I am starting to miss it already. Thursday I was a little hesitant to go, because I was exhausted after work. I think with a summer off, if I rest properly and build my strength back up, I will be fine for the fall semester. Oh yea! The local *real live artist came in today. I showed her my raw version of my vase and all she said was, "I like." That is all I needed. *I'm not a real live artist yet. I haven't sold anything...that's MY definition. She also told me she wanted me to go look at some specific works from Korea, she thinks I will learn a lot from those. (Free advice from Arabella is special, people pay hundreds of dollars for her to tell them what to do.)
MD news...BWAHAHA! Finally, she is getting the repercussions she needs from outside the family. To her, one of us telling her the benefits of not doing what your P.O. tells you is just bunk. Because, we're stupid and need a life. She got a notice from her P.O. saying that she is in violation of her grant of probation. (um, MD told me it was informal probation, doesn't that mean you don't have to do anything on it? Informal means you are like playing Barbie dolls or something doesn't it? It's like pretend probation isn't it?) Sorry, 'bout the sarcasm, I can't wait until she realizes that we aren't all that stupid and reading the news and books and getting an education means you are privy to information like this. I KNOW what probation is, I don't have to be on it to find out!!!!!
Anyway, it's my Wednesday. I am through the bigger half of my week, it's all a downhill slide from here. Sat/Sun are the big Memorial Day Sales at Ace, well, anywhere you spend your money is the big Memorial Day Sale. If today was any indication, I'm screwed. It was crazy busy. BUT FUN!!!


kim-d said...

THAT IS BEAUTEMOUS!!! Wow...I am in awe of those of you who can actually create works of art. Because I just can't. Never have, can't now, never will--so, your vase is absolutely awesome and I want it. And I also want Pioneer Woman to send Cousin T to me because I want him, too. I suspect I won't be getting either, but it doesn't hurt to make my wishes known! BWAHAHAHA!

And good...I'm sincerely hoping she-who-shall-remain-nameless figures out what informal probation (yeah, RIGHT) isn't. Lordy, lordy, lordy. Huh? Kids! :)


Love ya...

stitcherw said...

It turned out beautiful, I love the colors you chose for it. Sounds like others liked it as well, Kudo's to you. Hopefully with taking some time off you'll be totally rested and ready to go back this fall.

So sorry to hear that MD still doesn't get it, but it sounds like she may be getting her wake up call soon. I wish I had something to say that you could say that would get through to her, but unfortunately some of them just don't get it until it is almost to late. I'll keep you all in my thoughts and hope that things are able to work out and she turns around before totally hitting bottom (or driving the rest of you totally nuts). {{hugs}}

Wonderful World of Weiners said...

That's YOUR house? I am SOOOO coming to visit!! And I love your flowers!!

Hallie :)