It looks like we won't though. Thank God. The fire is across the lake from my dad's cabin and burning towards the opposite direction. It has only burned one building, and I don't think it was a home or cabin. So we lucked out this time, but the summer has just begun. And I am praying that the hot shots who bought property just up from my dad's will be respectful and leave their gosh damned illegal fireworks at their own homes...maybe even stay there too, cause until they moved in, the place was peaceful. I have left my home here in Pacifica to have the peaceful existence at Clearlake for the 4th of July. There are only fireworks allowed that are done by professionals up there in three different towns and when those are done, that's it. Beautiful, awesome and then done. Here where I live, they allow the "safe and sane" ones, which are not safe and drive a person insane. It's like a war zone here for two to three weeks before and then afterwards. My poor big dog goes nuts.
Two of the years I went up there, the neighbors brought illegal stuff and shot them off up until about 3 AM. I have called the police and the fire department, but was told it wasn't a priority! My response was, "So, it will be a priority when the cabins go up in flames then?" Those fireworks would go willy nilly all over the place. It was just a God send that the place hadn't gone up before. I stayed home last year. I had to work and it actually ended up being more peaceful here. Not quiet, just less noise.
I have to work again this year, so I will be home, and I am hoping that with all the danger going on about wildfires, they will clamp down on any fireworks here. How about popping a bottle of champagne or sparkling cider in celebration of our nations birthday. I don't see any reason to burn the damn thing down cause it's a year older!