Saturday, February 28, 2009

28 is a special number

Today is, the 28th of February.
Today is my oldest daughters 28th birthday.
I had her when I was...28! (Now, y'all know how old I am)
So I bought two lotto tickets.
I took OD, MD and OD's friend out to Mexican dinner, then came home and had Rainbow Cake, with Rainbow Sprinkles Frosting. (OD's request)
Here's my birthday card to OD:

Happy Birthday Sweetie!


Dani - tkdchick said...

Happy 28th!!!!

C said...

Great photo! Happy Bday to your daughter, the 28th year is a great one ;)

Laura Marchant said...

Happy 28th! It was a good one for me last year :-)

Unknown said...

happy 28th to your daughter!

she shares a birthday with my bubba. :)

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY - she is adoreable. I think that is really neat about the 28th's. My niece was born ON leap day... so she celebrates on the 28th.
Mary Lee

stitcherw said...

Happy Birthday to your daughter, I hope it is a great year for you all.

Debbie said...

Happy 28th Birthday OD! Your girl is a beauty hon...

Glad you guys had a great time!